Monday, October 19, 2009

What a shitty day for a Monday. It started out with not much sleep last night. I had a hard time getting comfortable and falling asleep. When I did fall asleep, I woke up a couple hours later having to try to get comfortable again. Mostly due to the sore under my arm. This morning my son and I both got up later than we should have. I noticed that I now have a 2nd sore under my arm. This skin is slowly peeling. Got Nick to school at the sound of the bell and to work about 5 minutes late. Then after about an hour of work - the computer went down. I can't do my work without the computer. Then the news came that it wom't be up until later in the day. Great. And I leave at 1 for the day. Well I found something to keep me busy until I had to leave. Had my radiation. Was told somewhat good news. Tomorrow will be the last day I get radiation on the underarm. Hopefully that will allow the sores to heal, however with the chemo, things don't heal as quickly. So off to chemo. The port worked great - on first try. I was quite tired so I was dosing in and out. Got done at 4 (quicker than usual). Came home and took a nap - until about 7. I was really tired. I meet with the doctor tomorrow to find out what is in store for the last 9 radiation treatments. I hope it's a better day than today. If nothing else, it's one day closer to Friday.

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