Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Ok - therapy can really be a pain. Literally. Met with the therapist today - really like her. She went over lots of stuff today about causes and precautions of lymphodema. An interesting fact, I can go years without signs of lymphodema and then it surface. I have to watch anything that happens with my right arm - permanently. That include cuts, bug bites, activity, pretty much anything that may happen to that right side. It can make the lymphatic system over-react and create swelling. I have some exercises to do 3 times a day to help get full range of motion. The goal is to get full range back before starting radiation. Radiation will create some fibrosis and stiffness so having full range will be easier to keep up with during radiation. The therapist worked on stretching my arm 2 ways and pushed it a little farther than what I could do. I am a little sore and hope it will improve with diligence in doing my exercises. On another topic, my hair has been growing back and today was the first day I went the whole day (even out in public) with nothing on my head (no wrap). I asked my son this evening if he minded me going to the store without a wrap. How sweet he is - he said no, you won't embarrass me - only yourself. I love his honesty. I do see a bit of gray in it so that will have to be taken care of when I get enough back to style it.

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