Thursday, August 6, 2009

I think the saying is - it's like riding a bike or it could be -it's like driving a car. That's what it was like getting back in my car this morning. I was able to drive myself to work after all this time of being driven around. I went to work today for about 4 hours. Had lots of emails to go thru and my co-workers were very generous in leaving plenty of files on my desk for me to start to tackle. It was a little difficult working in my normal manner as I can't use my right arm just yet to it's full extent. I had to move things closer and put my mouse right in front of me. You don't realize how much you just do things without thinking and how enabled you are until you get into you normal, everyday setting. I did alright, but my arm was a little tired when I got home and so I just rested most of the afternoon. Made a casserole that the church ladies dropped off last night. I plan to do the same attempt at work tomorrow to get back into the swing of things. It did feel a little weird after not being there for the last 4 weeks. I am sure that in no time I will be back to the usual routine of an 8 hour day and it will seem as if I was never out. My bosses and co-workers are great and have been tremendous support thru all of this. I am really lucky to have the job I have and work for and with the people I do. I appreciate all of them. Thanks. I would love to be going to bed right now, but I have to wait for my 11pm nightly calling of the Drain Queen. I can't wait to not have to do that anymore - however, as I said before, I don't know what I will do without seeing my SIL 3 times a day. My dog has become very fond of her and gets all excited to see her. It's almost as if she watches for her. We may have to plan some occasional visits. LOL.

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