Thursday, August 20, 2009

Good day except got up sore, which I am guessing was from therapy yesterday. I was tired when I got up, but that is because my son woke me up a few times because he couldn't sleep. Gee, he can't sleep so he won't let me sleep either. He was given strict instruction tonight not to wake me up. I am glad tomorrow is Friday. I could really use the weekend. And that just means that Monday is closer and treatment starts. I have to put new count down bands on this weekend. I went to a Scout committee meeting tonight, as I am secretary but haven't been to a meeting for a few months. Since they have not really had a meeting during the summer, this one lasted 3 hours. Not something I really needed to do. However we had to go over budget, camp trips, future high adventure trips, fundraising and other stuff. Now I am really tired. I guess this weekend I can spend typing up the minutes and getting them sent out. So it's off to bed as tomorrow is school orientation. Lots to do this weekend to get ready for all that's happening next week.

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