Tuesday, June 2, 2009

What a great day. Had a good day at work. Saw a friend and her baby and a bunch of us went to lunch. Got a lot accomplished. My son decided in the last day or two that he wanted to shave his head so he could support me and look like me. So today I called to make him an appointment and set it for next Tuesday. When I got home and told him when it was I told him he could wait or I could do it for him. As I sat on the back porch with the dog he come out with the hair clippers and asked me to go ahead and shave it. So, I cut it as much as I could then got the razor and shaving cream and finished the rest. He could not believe that I would actually shave it for him. He was quite excited. Then he realized he had a scout meeting to get to and decided he needed to find a way to cover it up. However, at the end of his meeting he showed off his shiny bald head. He also had to call his 2 uncles to let them know. I have such a great kid. He didn't want me to have to show off my shiny baldness alone. I am very blessed.

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