Thursday, October 1, 2009

1st of October, Breast Cancer awareness month. Do your part to support the cause. I'm getting a late start tonight. My day started off as usual, however, once I got to work I dealt with stupid people most of the day. From clients, to people on the road, and just those that don't have a clue. How can so many people not have any common sense. I feel good and I'm glad tomorrow is Friday. I have finished 12 out of 34 radiation treatments. Just 5 more and I am 1/2 way done. Ok, so we tried Verizon again tonight. I was the 10th person tonight and only had to wait about 30 minutes. Much better than last night. Although we really didn't get anything resolved. We have to wait until the end of Dec to get new phones, so my son is upset that he has to deal with a messed up phone for the next 3 months. Went to my brother's this evening to show him some stuff on my facebook. He does not have a facebook at this point. You know, new stuff is hard for older folks. (just kidding bro). There were pictures I wanted him to see, so we spent some time looking around and he got a mini training session on what FB is all about. Next thing you know - it's after 10:00. Anyway - last day I have to get up early and I'll be looking forward to sleeping in on Sat.


  1. Hi, Val - Just checking in, and glad to see you are doing well. Had to laugh about your comment with challenging people - I had an encounter with a DMV clerk this week that had me steaming. September was National Sickle Cell Disease Awareness month, and I did my best to do my part. My daughter had a severe pain event this week, so we definitely were aware of it - but she's on the other side of it now. I just wanted you to know that you are in my thoughts, and I hope you and your family have a great weekend.

  2. Thanks Lynne. And I do appreciate you checking my blog and keeping me in your thoughts. I still have your recent email and just haven't had time to look at your web sites. I do intend to do that and will get you some information shortly. As for the "challenging" people, I just sometimes wonder how people get thru their day. LOL.
