Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween. Yay Noles - we won. Had to get up early to take my son to school. He had to work the FSU game today for ROTC. Came home and watched pre-football shows. I was doing ok but I was still a bit sore. My neck looked a lot better and seems to be healing. The skin is starting to grow in and close up. However that makes it hurt a little when I have to turn my head. The skin stretches some just like any kind of sore that heals. The middle chest area seems to be trying to heal as it has skin scabbing and flaking off. It is not quite the raw skin underneath as my underarm. I watched the FSU game and about 1/2 time I had to take the bandages off under my arm. Ok, that was painful. Even though I had ointment on, the bandages were sticking a little and it hurt like a bitch. Of course, it also make little spots that were bleeding. As I sat on the couch to let it dry out a bit - I ended up in tears again. I could feel the heat from my arm and as the air was hitting it, it was stinging and hurting. I had to put something back on it. So more ointment and I found some non-stick bandages that I cut the sticky part off of to see if maybe that would help. If it works, I'll have to pick up more of those. Some areas under my arm look like either new skin is coming in or that it is drying around the edges. That's a good sign, I just hope I can handle it until the rest heals a bit more. It was good that I had a bit of a rest for 3 days from treatment. But that means I have 3 more next week. Needless to say I have not been in much of a Halloween mood today and getting up and down can sometimes be a bit of a challenge - so I did not do anything for halloween. My son is off at his friend's and I feel bad that I have sat in the dark watching tv not answering the door for trick-r-treaters. I just don't feel like it. Sorry little kiddies. Next time. Well, I'll be off to bed soon. I even get an extra hour to sleep in in the morning. Don't forget to change the clocks back.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Today started out a little better. I got up and got ready for work. Managed to do okay the early part of the day. They called me again today and cancelled my appt due to the machine still being down. It gives my skin a break but it also delays my treatment. I still have 3 left, which means I won't finish until next Wednesday. I was able to go to lunch with the girls today, which was a nice change. By about 3:00 it was time for me to co home and rest my arm It was getting a bit irritated and difficult to continue to work. Came home and took nap. Took the dressing off my arm and it was really sore. It is doing a little better this evening. I am just ready for this part to be over. Till tomorrow - hope it's a little better.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

First let me say thanks for the encouraging comments. Today was not a whole lot better. I realized when I woke up this morning that going to work was not really going to be an option. I called in sick (something I have not done in a long time) and went back to bed. I just couldn't see trying to wear clothes, work and not be in some kind of discomfort. I didn't have anything that was urgent that had to be done, so I took the day for me. I still had to go to treatment today and had to wait. The machine was still down so they were behind. My appt time is usually 1:20 and I didn't even get called back until 1:50. Came home and fell asleep. My son and I went to pick up his new glasses, got something to eat and came home and watched tv. I started to feel a little bit better. I didn't seem to be hurting quite as much (but I also took some pain meds). I should be okay to go to work tomorrow even if it is only 1/2 day. About 10 treatments ago, I thought I was doing so well and that I would be okay. Well, I am ok, I mean the skin reaction. Things can change basically overnight. At least the weekend is upon me and I will have two days repreive. I can only hope that the healing comes quickly and without too much pain and discomfort. Thanks for the prayers and support.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Today was not a very good day. It started out with my son's glasses having broken. Fortunately he had a spare pair. Took him to school and got to work. My underarm was really sore and uncomfortable today. I put neosporin and gauze on it. It was still quite sore all day. I got a little bit of good news when radiology called and had to cancel my appointment today. The machine was broken and insted of putting me on the other machine they decided to give me a break for today. Which on the other hand means that I still have to make it up and finish on Tuesday next week instead of Monday. As the day went on, I felt like I was getting more sore. My son had a dentist appt at 3:00 so I left work, went to the dentist, then the eye glass place to see about his glasses. Of course they couldn't be fixed so I had to spend the money to buy him a new pair. Then off to the bank, something to eat and then TCBY for a treat. They were doing a share night for scouts so a donation of sales are going to be donated to Nick's scout troop. Then home to nurse my sores. It was pretty bad when I took the gauze off. There were tiny spots of bleeding. I have been sitting on the couch trying to let the air get to it a little bit. I even took one of the pain pills the doctor gave me. And not too long ago I finally broke down in tears. I've got a sore on my neck that hurts, my underarm is painful and I just can't move easily without something hurting. I know I only have 4 more to go and they are not zapping the spots that are hurting, but what has been zapped is really starting to take it's toll. I did not think it would get this bad. All this time I have been so very fortunate not to have many side effects or issues and now, at the end I am in pain. Wish I knew how long it will take for this to clear up. I remember feeling this way back when I had the drain tubes and wondering when I would be able to get them out because they were so bothersome. I guess this is kind of the same thing. I just hope it doesn't take 2 weeks to clear up. I don't know that I can take it that long. I guess having one breakdown in all this time isn't that bad.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Tuesday, Tuesday. Wrong day or wrong song. Not a bad day. A bit tired all day but managed to make it. Met with the radiologist today. He could see my discomfort with my arm. We talked about different things I could do to try to make it feel better. I also have skin peeling from a few other areas that are making small sores. Bottom line is I can use neosprin, since it does not sting on open wounds like the creams I have do, with some gauze to cover it. Some areas are itchy still and I can see the skin starting to dry and get ready to peel. Once again, I'd have to say the radiation is the worst of things. Good news is I only have 4 left. He also said that this is what we want the skin to day. Research shows that the more reaction the less likey to have a re-occurance in that area. He could give me a dose that would not cause much reaction but that is not what we want. Yay me. So I guess a bit of good news in that regard. I can't help but think that I am doing the right things all the way around to beat this the best way possible. That, along with the trust in my doctors, prayers and support from my friends, and the belief that this will soon be a thing in the past and I can move on with my life. Attitude is 1/2 the battle.

Monday, October 26, 2009

You never know what Monday will bring. Even thought I had something covering my underarm, it is still quite icky and moist. Didn't sleep very well, tossed and turned. Got up on time and had a hard time getting Nick up. I finally had to drop water on his face and he wasn't happy. Got some work done but I have full day ahead of me tomorrow. Had my radiation treatment, which went quick. Then off to chemo. I was there a little early and of course it was end of lunch time so I had to wait. Doctor wasn't there but they took me back to get me going with the normal visit stuff. We went ahead and started blood work, and wouldn't you know, the port was not working today. Figures. So they ended up taking it from the arm. Went back to the room to wait on the doctor. She was amazed at how great my blood work looked. She said it looked like someone not on chemo. I hope that is a good thing. She was excited that I only had 2 more treatments after today and said she would miss me, but that I should come visit - and bring cookies. Off to Chemo and finished with no problems. Moved my band and went home. Slept on the couch for about 2 hoursl I was supposed to go to Nick's school for some Freshmen chat - but missed it. Wasn't too worried about it. Ready for bed a little early tonight - so till tomorrow. Good night, sleep tight - sweet dreams.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Good day. Got to sleep in again. Chilled out and started some laundry. Went shopping a little and had lunch. Watched football - no good games on. Did some more laundry. Made some Stuffed Cabbage Soup. My arm was basically itchy most of the day. Didn't get much of a nap today. Did some more laundry - ok, well only 5 loads today. My arm is still itchy underneath. I really hope that means it's healing. The start of my last 6 treatments tomorrow and the last of 3 chemos. It will soon be ready to party. Let's bring on the week.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Pretty good day. I got to sleep in. Watched a little football before having to pick up my son and his friend. Went to lunch, dropped my son at his friend's for the night, then went shopping. Played with the dog a little while, watched Miami lose (yay) and currently watching the Gators trying to hold on. Arm is a little sore and so is my neck. Parts are starting to get a little dry but not healting just yet. Some areas are a little swollen. It has been nice just relaxing tonight and not having to worry about anyone but me. Once again I get to sleep in tomorrow. The weekends are great for doing nothing. Although I have about 10 loads of laundry to catch up on. Ok, not really = closer to 5. There is always tomorrow to work on it.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Wow, what a Friday. I was tired as usual, but made it thru the day. I was able to move another band today for radiation. I am down to the last 6. The tech told me today - I have 6 minutes left (each zap is basically less than 1 minute). I was ready for a nap most of the day. There was no school today so Nick got to sleep in. My underarm is still sore. I have been using the foam thing they gave me which prevents my clothes sticking to me. It helps a little bit. I have a few spots that itch so I have to be careful not to scratch myself. I am looking forward to next week coming and going. I was able to go back in time tonight. We ended up going to the high school football game. We played our rival team and we won 42-9. It was very interesting being on the adult side of a high school game and thinking back to when I went to games as a student. It was a lot of fun. Crazy parents though. Sorry for my friends Darren and Rebecca who were cheering on the other team. Anyway - it is quite late and I need to go to bed. I get to sleep in so it's not all bad.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Not a bad day for Thursday. However, as usual, I was tired this morning. By Thursday, the week gets to me. I went back to bed after dropping Nick off at the bus stop. I ended up going into work an hour late. Made it thru the morning. Had my treatment and the afternoon went by a little slow. I met my brother and sister-in-law at a local pizza place for dinner as they were doing a special share night. The pizza place was donating 10% of check to the cancer society. Food was good, company was better. Came home to watch the FSU game. Game is mot over but we are losing by 1 point. Nick ended up on the computer for awhile, which is why I am late with the blog. I have been ready for bed for about an hour. I guess my blog could have waited or I could have kicked Nick offf the computer. Instead I fell asleep. My arm did okay today. I used the foam bandage thiing which worked for the most part. I did feel a little pulling at times which hurt some. I also took a pain pill to see if that would make a difference tonight. Might be why I fell asleep. I am glad Friday is here. I get to move another band tomorrow. Looking at all the bands on one hand is quite cool. To realize how much I have done and how little I have left to go. Till tomorrow. Hope the Noles win.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Hump day has come to an end so it's almost like it's Thursday already. Ok, so most of the skin has peeled from under my arm. Today was kind of yucky. My shirt kept sticking under my arm. It was a bit annoying and uncomfortable. On the positive side of things, I was only zapped in one spot today and it took all of about 10 minutes for me to be in and out. Different from the 20 or so it took before. And I am down to only 8 left. I am so close to the last week - I can almost taste it. Ok, well not really taste it, but that's the saying. I was not that tired today but I did take a nap when I got home. I am meeting with my hairdresser tomorrow to see what I can do with my hair as it continues to grow. Can't really style it quite yet but getting close. Hope the weekend shows up quickly.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Today was a much better day. I actually slept good last night, not great but better than the night before. A so-so morning at work. Went to radiation and got the last dose under the arm. Doctor saw the arm and said had it not been my last one he would take a break on the arm doses. He also gave me a prescription for dealing with the pain from the sores. He drew the new marking for the last 9 treatments which is just one spot and should take less than 1 minute. Ended my day at work fine. I was not tired today and did not need a nap when I got home. Dropped my son off at a scout meeting and went to the store. I seem to be doing pretty good today. And now I am ready for bed. I had some sad news from 3 people today. My thoughts and prayers go out to Crystal, Cindy and the Reeses. I had heard about 2 deaths and a break-in. My heart goes out to them.

Monday, October 19, 2009

What a shitty day for a Monday. It started out with not much sleep last night. I had a hard time getting comfortable and falling asleep. When I did fall asleep, I woke up a couple hours later having to try to get comfortable again. Mostly due to the sore under my arm. This morning my son and I both got up later than we should have. I noticed that I now have a 2nd sore under my arm. This skin is slowly peeling. Got Nick to school at the sound of the bell and to work about 5 minutes late. Then after about an hour of work - the computer went down. I can't do my work without the computer. Then the news came that it wom't be up until later in the day. Great. And I leave at 1 for the day. Well I found something to keep me busy until I had to leave. Had my radiation. Was told somewhat good news. Tomorrow will be the last day I get radiation on the underarm. Hopefully that will allow the sores to heal, however with the chemo, things don't heal as quickly. So off to chemo. The port worked great - on first try. I was quite tired so I was dosing in and out. Got done at 4 (quicker than usual). Came home and took a nap - until about 7. I was really tired. I meet with the doctor tomorrow to find out what is in store for the last 9 radiation treatments. I hope it's a better day than today. If nothing else, it's one day closer to Friday.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

What a beautiful Sunday. Clear sky, cool weather. That was the exception. My arm is still quite sore and I find it hard to be comfortable. It's almost like when I had my second surgery, finding it hard to put my arm down by my side. And laying down is s bit of a challenge. I was able to sleep in and rest. My son made it home from camping around 11:30. I did not have breakfast yet so we went for a bagel. It was nice walking from the car, putting my arm around my son and him saying he missed me and kissed my cheek. Doesn't get any better than that. We shopped around a little then came home a chilled out watching football. Just kind of relaxed for the day. I am hoping my arm does not get worse this week and can only set my sights on Friday, to know another week is done and only one to go. I have double treatment tomorrow so I can move a chemo band and have 3 left. The doctor has already scheduled my chest x-ray and CT scan for Jan 13th, 2010. We won't think about that until Jan comes around. Let's bring on the week.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

I haven't mentioned my bands lately. It is a sight to be able to look at my left arm and see 13 bands and my right arm and only see 6. 8 of the bands on the left are from my chemo treatments and 5 are from the 5 weeks of radiation I have had. With only 4 chemo treatments left and 2 weeks of radiation, it is hard to believe how much I have actually been thru. I am starting to show some signs of the wear and tear. The wear is mostly being tired and the tear is the skin under my arm (mostly armpit). Not only do I have an open sore at the scar under my arm, but this skin in the armpit is really soft and peeling. Not like a sunburn peel, but like a blister skin peel. The rest of my skin is getting burned but not to the point of peeling. And it doesn't hurt as much as the armpit. I'm thinking if I can make it thru the 2 weeks of the 2nd surgery and the drain tube, I can make it thru the next 2 weeks of radiation. It is a bit chilly this evening and as I sit on the couch I have one cat curled up in my legs and the dog curled up beside him. No need for a blanket as they are both keeping me warm. How sweet it is to have the love of pets.
I can't believe I went to bed last night and didn't do my blog. I was on the computer, finished what I was doing, was ready for bed and shut off the computer. Once I did that I realized I didn't blog. Too tired to turn it back on. So here is yesterday's update. Started out normal and by 10:00 I was ready for a nap. I think as time goes on, by the time Thursday and Friday gets here I am tired. Once I get past the 10:00 hour, I seem to be okay. It was bosses day and wouldn't you know, our boss brought us breakfast. Gotta love him. Got a lot of work done. Had my 23nd treatment then stopped and got 2 of the bosses a cupcake from the Cake Shop. I was able to make it until 5:00 and then came home and slept until 7:30. I tried to keep my right arm lifted up behind my head to let some air get to the sore I have. That is really about the only thing that bothers me right now. After the next 2 treatments, they will be backing off of the radiation but I am still not sure what they will be doing. I am counting down the next few weeks until I am done. I know the completion is near.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

What a day. Had a hard time getting up this morning. I ended up going back to sleep for another hour. Seems like I had to do that last week too. I guess things start to get to me by the end of the week. I'll need to make up work again this weekend. My underarm (mainly the arm pit) hurts. It's really hard to see but it looks like some of the skin is peeling, possibly like a blister. The cream helps some but it is still uncomfortable. Glad I only have 12 more visits to go. My son is camping this weekend so I will have peace and quiet with no obligations. Maybe I can stay awake long enough to have a little bit of fun.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Happy hump day. Two days left in the work week. It's nice knowing the weekend is in sight. 13 treatments left and I can't wait for it to be over. Even though it doesn't seem like much I'm sure the effects will be. It's like getting sun burn on top of sun burn on top of sun burn. It doesn't really hurt except under the arm. The rest is just getting quite red. The mental aspect of the bands I wear is working but I can't wait to get those off either. They are getting to be a hastle but I do like the visual of seeing how far I have come and how little I have left. I came home tonight and took a nap. I think if it wasn't for my son waking me up, I would still be asleep. We actually took a walk around the block tonight, twice. Well, time for bed. If I keep taking naps, I end up staying up later, then I am tired in the morning and need a nap when I get home. Funny how that works.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Let me start by saying - I don't get how some people just don't have basic common sense. Nothing specific to mention, it's just it seems that I come across people daily that are lacking. So the day started as normal, up as usual, work was work and treatment was treatment. I met with the doctor today and he concurred with my doctor yesterday that I have something that is like an infection and the cream will help. He also said I could take my ibuprofin, which would help and also gave me a dressing to use under the arm to help with the rubbing against my side or getting irritated by my clothes. Some type of weird silicone sticky tape thing. I only have 14 treatments left but I understand it can get worse in those 14 days. I am hoping it won't be that bad and that I will be able to deal with it. After work, went to teen court with the scouts and it was very interesting. I hope the boys were listening to the advise from the Judge and what was going on. It is a much later night than I was expecting so I need to get to bed. One thing I forgot to mention yesterday - it was quite a different chemo treatment yesterday in that with the exception of the first 15 minutes, I ended up being the only one in the room for most of my treatment and actually took a nap. It was a nice change.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Ok, so I guess nothing is predictable these days. Up early and kind of tired (nothing new there). Got to work and took care of the things that had to be handled since I was leaving at 1:00. My underarm was sore all day. Right by the crease of your underarm. Almost feels like a blister but it is just very red. So I brought one of my heart pillows that I used after surgery to put under my arm to avoid any rubbing against my side. So I go to radiation and nothing new there. I always talk football with one of the techs. In and out fairly quickly. I told him about my underarm and he said that seems to be the place most people notice it. Ok, so I have time to get get some lunch before chemo treatment. I get to treatment a little early. On to the doctor office irritations. Once again, why is it that older people (not old, just older than me) with cell phone don't use office courtesy when others are around. This lady must have been playing some kind of game on her cell phone, so every 2 seconds you hear.....ding......ding....ding. This goes on for at least 10 min. She is across the room from me but I look at her a few times and she doesn't even notice. Prior to that she reads a text to the person with her, word for word, in broken sentences as she is reading it. So annoying. I guess I don't have much tolerance lately.
So I finally get called in for a room and have to wait about 15 min. No big deal as I am in no hurry. The doctor looks at me and I told her about the soreness under my arm. She thinks it may be the start of an infection. Great. She said she would call me in a special cream that has an antibiotic type effect to ease some of the swelling and discomfort. So I will use that at night and the cream the radiation nurse gave me in the morning. I see the radiologist doctor tomorrow so we will see what he says. I did ask her what we do after I am done with treatment. I start the tamoxofin 1 week after radiation (daily for unknown amount of time) and we'll do a CT scan beginning of Jan. She wants the swelling to go done because the scan will show all of that and not give a good reading. I will worry about it then, but I hope and pray that it shows good results from all this. In doing my chemo, the port worked relatively quickly. It took a few minutes but it worked. I moved a band so now I have 4 chemos left and 15 radiation treatments left. Counting them down and looking forward to November. My hair looked good today. It actually has a bit of style going on. Very curly. I may need to go see my hairdresser soon to see what I need to do with it to keep it manicured nicely. Well, off to bed. The Dolphins are in the lead and I can only hope that at least one of my teams wins for a change. Otherwise I will start to cheer for Alabama and Indy Colts.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Well I didn't get to bed last night until 2:30a. I was up around 7 to let the dog out, then back to bed until about 10:30. A relaxing day for the most part. We went to get a bagel and had to pick up some meds from Walgreens. Hung out and watched football most of the day. I also did some work I had brought home. We made some corn and sausage chowder and some steak. I didn't even get a nap today, but my son did. My underarm is quite a bit uncomfortable and red. I put some lotion on it but it is still a little irritated. Mostly where my shirt rubs underneath. I have some red splotches on my upper chest and up toward my neck on the right side. I have 3 more weeks of radiation so I hope it doesn't get too unbearable. The radiologist told me by the 5th week I will not like him very much. I would say I have this week to go easy on him then the last 2 weeks I won't be very happy. Tomorrow is number 8 chemo so I will only have 4 more left. That's exciting. I still get a bit hot and can't stand the heat outside for very long. Other than that - not much to report.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

It is a long day. At least I got to sleep in and then of course, dosed on and off while on the couch. Didn't do much but watch football most of the day. I did make some chocolate chip muffins for breakfast. Had to take my son to school to go to the FSU game for ROTC. Ok, so the only thing worse than a 78 minute weather delay due to lightening, with it being an 8:00 game, is I have to stay up to pick my son up when they get back from the game. So I was originally planning midnight to 1:00. So if they stay the whole game as normal will it be more like 2:00??? I guess I will be sleeping in until noon tomorrow. It is actually a good game so I need to stay up and watch it. The Gators on the other hand, have been holding a 7 point lead for 2 quarters with no score change. It would be so sweet if they lost just one game. Anyway - not even 1/2 time yet so maybe I will take a 15 min nap so I can be up till the wee hours.

Friday, October 9, 2009

It's finally Friday and I get to sleep in tomorrow. I was up early again to get Nick to the bus stop. When I got back home I was still tired so I went back to bed for another hour or so and end up going into work a little late. It was actually helpful as I was not as tired by the end of the day as usual. I brought some work home though to make up time from the week. Treatment went ok today and I moved another weekly band. 3 weeks left of radiation. My son mentioned tonight how fast things seemed to have gone. I told him when you look at all you have to do it seems like forever. But looking at one thing at a time it is more manageable. He said, that's right - one day at a time. I would have never been able to tell you 6 months ago that it would be over before I knew it. At the time it is a lot to take in and too much to even think about. I have no idea what lies ahead. Right now I am focused on getting thru treatment and then see what comes next. My hair is coming in quite nicely. Thick and curly. I put some curl gel in it today to see if it would style some. I actually had a few comments on it. Pretty soon I'll have to see my hairdresser to get some kind of style going. Off to bed. Blessings to all.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Another day closer to Friday. My underarm is a bit sore tonight. The tech told me today that my skin looks really good. I asked him by what comparison because to me it was quite red. He said from what they see, I was looking great. And only 17 more scaldings to go. I didn't get my nap in when I got home, but I sure was tired. Things to do. I am headed to be so hopefully I will get a good night sleep. I am glad tomorrow is Friday and I will be able to rest this weekend. I have heard from a few people that they have passed on my blog site to others that have recently been diagnosed or effected by breast cancer. My prayers go out to you. If you are just at the beginning stages, just take one day at a time. Handle only what you have to at the time. The last 5 months have gone faster than I ever thought they would. You don't really think it will when you first start out, but I am amazed at how far I have come in just a short time. As my mom used to say, this too shall pass, and I believe that it will.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Happy hump day. Good day, although got up a little late this morning. I have been a bit tired. I got a lot done at work and was ready to go at 5. My under arm was a little sore this afternoon after treatment. There is definately skin changes under the arm. I just hope it doesn't get too bad over the next 3 weeks. Tomorrow is the 1/2 way mark. I came home from work and took a nap for almost 2 hours. Not much else this evening. I'll be glad when the week is over.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Amazingly enough today is my 150th post. Hard for me to believe. It started out like any other day, as I expected it to. Made it to 1:00 to head to my radiation appt. Got in and out fairly quickly, but also needed to see the Doc. Didn't take him long. He said everything looked as it should and felt my skin was reacting well and didn't think I would burn too bad. Today was #15 and I have 19 more to go. Almost 1/2 way done. On top of that, I am on the down hill with chemo. So, on my way back to work I got a call from my sister in law who usually picks up Nick from school on Tues. He stays late for ROTC. He had called her and said his knee was bothering him and it dislocated earlier. So I called him to see what was up. He said it probably needed to be looked at. Called the doctor and was able to get him in within 40 min. So a u-turn to pick him up and get him to doctor. Basically it did not dislocate. I think he has knees problems like I did. His knee cap moves off to the side when he straightens his leg and as a teenager he will start to have soreness in the knees anyway. So, nothing major to do other than exercises that will help stregthen it and possible knee brace. Back to work with the both of us and stayed about an hour later. Then home only long enough to change and go to scouts. I wasn't planning on staying. I wanted to come home and nap. I stayed long enough to be needed and ended up not getting home until after 9. Watched a couple shows and now ready to hit the hay. It's always something. Never a dull moment and just when you think you have it planned, you can't plan on it. Let's see what tomorrow will bring.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Happy Monday. I was a little late getting up today. I was a bit tired. Went to work then had radiation at 1:00. After that was chemo at 2. It took the port a few minutes to start working but it finally worked. Got done early today (about 4) and headed home.. Fell asleep for about an hour, went to Verizon one more time (got son a new phone), came home and had some pasta and ready for bed. Everything seemed to go fine today other than being tired. I have 5 more chemo treatments and 20 more radiation treatments. Things are moving along but I am ready for it to be over. I've had enough and I'm over it. Anyway I know I will soon be reporting that I am finally finished but until then I get to moan and groan over it and speak my dislike. Glad Monday has come to an end. Until tomorrow - night night.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Another Sunday comes to an end. That means another week of treatment to face. Slept in and hung out until dropping my son off to sell popcorn for scouts. Came home and watched football and of course, fell asleep. Seems to be the thing I do. Picked up my son, came home and watched more football and of course fell asleep. Glad there is at least 2 days on the weekend for me to do nothing but sleep. Physically I feel fine. I seem to be eating more than I need to, which my doctor said is normal. Gotta feed me body since chemo is killing it. Mentally I am doing well. I try to stay positive and put myself in situations where I am around positive vibes. I take one day at a time and check it of the calendar and know I am one day closer to being done with treatment. I am ready to take on the week and what ever it may bring. And I am ready for bed.
Well, it is officially Sunday, however this is my Saturday post. It is way past my bedtime but I was at a Breast Cancer event tonight and just got home. Today was great. I slept in a little bit, watched some tv, got my son up and we went to breakfast and ran some errands. I felt good most of the day. Of course I started to get tired around 2 or so. Took a quick nap and had to get up in time to watch the Noles. I should have stayed asleep as bad as the game was. We did tie it up but couldn't hold on. Anyway, I went to an event called Cards for the Cure. It was to benefit the cancer center at our hospital. They had silent auction, live auction, poker, open bar, a band, it was nice. It was like a cocktail party. Lots of interesting dresses and attire. I asked my sister in law to go with me. I bid on two items and ended up buying them. One is a painted sign that says "celebrate" and the other was a pink basket with pink ribbon items (visor, socks, umbrella, scarf, bracelet and a vera bradley mini purse). One of the local high schools was challenged by their principal for one week to try to raise $10,000. Rather than going into the long story - they ended up raising $26,000. in one week. One more day of rest and the week starts all over again. Enjoy your Sunday.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Quite an interesting day. Being that I was up a little late last night, I was quite tired this morning. By about 10:00 I was leaning back in my chair with my eyes closed and ready to go to sleep. I didn't think I would make it to 1:00 and thought I might go home after treatment today. A few of the girls at work were going to lunch so I decided to go with them, then go to treatment so I woke up and started to get a bit more energized. Besides, I had plans to meet some friends after work for dinner and didn't want to go home then come back to where I was. Things went as usual at treatment and I moved my 3 band, representing 3 weeks of radiation done. 4 weeks left. Seems like a lot (21 days). Ok, so about 3:00, the boss came by my desk, had a package for my office mate, who left early. It was cookies from the car dealer she just bought her car from. He was wanting cookies, so I suggested we go across the street to the best bakery and get some snacks. So we did. Afternoon cupcakes. Yum. Well the funny of the day came about 4:30. I was in my boss' office going over a few files he wanted me to do. Someone told us to look out the window and OMG. There was a guy (high school age) being tied to the tree outside by 3 girls and a guy (also high school age) and they were drawing something on his face. It was quite funny. So several of us stood around to watch out the window and see what happened. The 4 kids left and this guy was just hanging out tied to the tree. My boss parks his car close to where the kids was so he decided to set off his alarm. Hilarious. I know, mean, but pretty stinkin' funny. Finally a lady from the building across the street came and cut him lose. We think it was homecoming week for the school he went to. Ok, so I stayed at work a little late then met some friends for dinner. It was great food and company and I had a great time. It was nice to get out with friends and have grown up time for a change. Thanks girls. Off to bed to catch up on some sleep. Happy Friday and wear your pink.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

1st of October, Breast Cancer awareness month. Do your part to support the cause. I'm getting a late start tonight. My day started off as usual, however, once I got to work I dealt with stupid people most of the day. From clients, to people on the road, and just those that don't have a clue. How can so many people not have any common sense. I feel good and I'm glad tomorrow is Friday. I have finished 12 out of 34 radiation treatments. Just 5 more and I am 1/2 way done. Ok, so we tried Verizon again tonight. I was the 10th person tonight and only had to wait about 30 minutes. Much better than last night. Although we really didn't get anything resolved. We have to wait until the end of Dec to get new phones, so my son is upset that he has to deal with a messed up phone for the next 3 months. Went to my brother's this evening to show him some stuff on my facebook. He does not have a facebook at this point. You know, new stuff is hard for older folks. (just kidding bro). There were pictures I wanted him to see, so we spent some time looking around and he got a mini training session on what FB is all about. Next thing you know - it's after 10:00. Anyway - last day I have to get up early and I'll be looking forward to sleeping in on Sat.