Sunday, May 10, 2009

First Post!

WELCOME to Valerie's Journal!  This journal was set up to help keep everyone who is interested up to date on what is happening these days with Valerie and her battle against breast cancer.  Its also here to allow you to help too!
See on the right side of your screen a list of contacts if you want to help -- just e-mail the appropriate contact and work out the details with her.  Also on the right is the current schedule for chemotherapy treatments, etc., and dates listing specific needs.  You can also 'comment' and provide words of encouragement, support or just plain funny stuff.  Currently, this site is public so please keep it clean and kid friendly.  This site will be updated periodically and there currently is no schedule for updates.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Valerie,
    May I offer a prayer for today:
    I pray that you will have a blessed day; the treatment will go well and you will make new friends of the staff in the treatment center.
    I pray that the chemotherapy will be your own special "ammunition" and will go directly to any malignant cells, wherever they may be, and will attack them directly. I pray that there will, therefore, be shrinkage of any tumor, and that there will be great success with treatment.
    And finally, I pray for few side effects, and gracious, knowledgeable, wise, and caring staff for managing any side effects and the treatment.
    Be blessed!
