Saturday, February 27, 2010
I guess I am overdue for an update. Lots going on and have not been insistant on updating. So, let's see, I went to the doctor 2 weeks ago and reported that I am not classified as a diabetic. Yay me. As of today I am still waiting on my testing supplies to show up. They are ordered thru a medical supply company and gets shipped. The good thing is my insurance covers it so I won't have to pay for strips or lancets, which I understand can be quite expensive. So last Monday I go to the diabetic center my doctor sent me to for one-on-one appointment on what I need to be doing, how to use the blood glucose meter and sign up for a class. So we talked about what I should be eating and how to keep my sugar in check. It's not really as bad as I thought, I just have to be selective. I can have bread if I want but I am limited on the grams of carbs I can have at each meal and snack. So, if I eat the bread, I can't have other starch. I should have some carbs at each meal. Even though I don't have my meter yet, I have tried to start eating the way I should and starting to walk some so I can make the transition. So I have 3 classes I have to go to that are 3 hours long. For real?? They do serve dinner so at least I'll get a free meal. Ok, so one thing that I haven't had checked yet - my eyes. Something some people might not know is I do use eye drops for a type of glaucoma known as pigmentary glaucoma. I don't have any effects from it yet so right now I am just doing preventative treatment. So my eyes are normally checked every 6 months. Since all this started last March I have not had my eyes checked. I thought the chemo and meds my have had an effect on my eyes (as it had everything else) and I also was not using my drops for awhile just out of inconvenience. I had a check up on Friday and things look great and my eye pressure was down 4 point from the last time. Pretty good I would say. And on top of that, my prescription had not changed. Yay, something that improved. I imagine I will get my meter on Monday, hopefully, not that I am anxious to prick myself 4 times a day, I just want to get this started. Oh yeah, I also went to my hairdresser for the first time since she shaved my head in May. Believe it or not my hair has grown in very even and has gotten a bit long. She trimmed the top and back to match the length of the front and then cut some on the side and gave me a few whisps by my ears. It now has some kind of style to it. Well, that's the update for now. I'll post more once I get going on my blood testing.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Just when does it stop?? You would think that all i had to deal with last year was enough for anyone to deal with for awhile. Then I have to deal with a fractured shoulder. Which is slowly getting better. It is hard to sleep at night but I am able to manage during the day. Well, then this past weekend my son was having groin pains. So yesterday I take him to the doctor. It is a guy thing that just happens sometimes, however they take it serious and want to make sure there is no other problem. So off to get an ultra sound. And to top it off, he had 2 ladies in there due to one in training. Of course, they didn't tell me that. Thirty minutes later they were finally finished. Good thing is - he is normal and things are find but he is on an antibiotic. Ok, so today I go to my doctor to follow up on blood work I did last week. Well, she doesn't like my sugar numbers. I have been put in the diabetic column. After much conversation, come to find out, the steroid I was given during my chemo can increase the sugar levels. So now I am on medication for diabeties and have to start taking my blood sugar levels 4 times a day. And see my doc and do blood work every 3 months. What joy. Back on a special diet, exercise and hope that I can get my sugar levels on track and not have other problems. Ok, so the chemo kills the cancer, but can elevate your sugar and make you gain weight. The Tamoxifin will help prevent cancer from returning, but promotes osteoperosis and slows your metabolism, which makes you gain weight. A little good with the bad - kind of like 2 steps forward and 4 steps back. I don't remember signing up for this journey and I think I would like a refund since I am not satisfied with the events. I need continued prayers to deal with all of this and also to get thru whatever challenges may be ahead. I need strength to get thru the day to day choices. I hope I can get thru this.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Has it really been that long since I have blogged? Well, I went to the ortho last Monday. Good news - if you want to call it that. It is only a small fracture that does not require surgery. It will heal on its own but will take awhile. He gave me an immobilization brace and a sling and also some exercises I need to do. Told me to come back in 6 weeks to re-check it. The brace he gave me is a piece of crap and doesn't really work. It has been challenging at work to say the least. I often rotate wearing the brace in the morning for a couple of hours, then my sling, then nothing. At night it is hard to sleep and be comfortable. I try to keep my arm stationary and in the morning it is quite sore and stiff. I have also worn my lymphedema sleeve a few times and it is tight on my arm so it keeps things somewhat stable. My son has been a great help. He does the dishes, helps me cook and he even scrubbed the kitchen floor. I am very proud of the young man he is becoming. I have to pat myself on the back for doing a great job raising him. (if I do say so myself). Well, on to another week of healing. Check back for the latest news.
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