Tuesday, June 30, 2009
My head was in a whirlwind today. I didn't get anything accomplished - at least not at work. The movers were at work early to move my office so I had no computer and no phone for awhile. It took them until about 11 to finish, which gave me about 15 min to start moving things before my appt with the surgeon. Got back at 1:30 and my phone and computer were not working. Still had to move the rest of my stuff from my old office. Finally about 4 I had everything working but still putting things away. I hope to be very productive tomorrow. As for my meeting with the surgeon - went great. She is such a great person. Love her. Decided I wanted to meet with a different plastic surgeon so that needs to be done prior to surgery. Doc said she would try to set up for me and find out what he likes regarding surgical incision. As I was leaving, the scheduling person, Janice - love her too- she's awesome, heard me talking about setting up appt for plastic surgeon and problems getting my MRI scheduled, so she took me in her office. Have an appt with PS tomorrow at 9a, and she took care of getting the MRI tomorrow at 11. The doc also said I didn't need to do my port-decloging tomorrow, she will put a different one in during surgery, so Janice also cancelled that appt for tomorrow as well. And we set up my surgery date - next Thursday at 7:30 am. Gotta be there at 5:30 - yuck. So even thought I didn't get much done at work, I accomplished quite a bit with my appts. I then met up with a lady I have been talking to the past 2 months - Cathy, who is 3 years out from doing this same things. She has been a big help and great support. We met for the first time this evening and I really enjoyed talking with her in person. And - thank you for dinner Cathy. So, according to the time line I had set in my mind, everything is working out according to my plan. Thanks for the continued prayers and support. I know I can get thru this and come out smiling on the other side.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Monday is over. And I am tired as ever. Been a long day, but got some things caught up at work. With all the rain we had yesterday my office floor was wet along with some of my files. Not a good start to the day. We're not sure what the problem is but I am moving tomorrow anyway so I hope it is fixed for Ms. Cathi before she moves in. I have to empty my desk in the morning and get things situated for the move. We had a spaghetti dinner compliments of Mary Linzee from work. Oh yeah, salad and brownies too. Yum. Thank you. Started making my list of questions for the surgeon tomorrow. I hope to find out when that may be scheduled. Well, I am headed to bed because my eyes keep closing and my head keeps nodding. Good night all.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
It was a very long day. As I ended yesterday, I did not sleep much. My son was out until about 1:00 am doing a scout thing and the newspaper. He got to watch the press run. Of course I didn't stay up but I woke up when he got home. I woke up a few times in the middle of the night. He slept in until 11:30. We ended up going to a movie and walking the mall a little. I am really worn out and ready for bed. It doesn't take much for me to get tired. Don't really feel great and food is not very appealing right now. Just making it thru with what I think I might want to eat. Since I am done with treatment for a few weeks, maybe that will change a little (all in time to go thru it again). We had a bad thunderstorm tonight. Nasty lightening and heavy downpour. Preparing myself to take on the week and see what's in store. Going to be moving my office on Wed (sharing with a co-worker) so lots to get ready this week. Plus making sure I am up to date on things in case I am out for surgery the following week. Dealing with things as they come. Have a good night - until tomorrow.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
I almost forgot to do my blog tonight. I have been napping and resting most of the day. Woke up at 5 this morning and was up till about 7. Went back to sleep for a little bit but have resting to catch up on sleep. Nothing on tv today so I have been very bored. My son stayed with his friend all day so we both had a break - he got to hang out with a friend. I haven't really eaten much today - haven't felt like much. One more day of rest and then a week of getting things in order at work expecting to be out for surgery the following week. I'll know more Tuesday. If you haven't already, check out the slideshow of pictures on the right of the blog page. I'll add more soon. Thanks Darren for getting it set up. Well, off to bed in hopes that I can get some sleep.
Friday, June 26, 2009
What a day. I slept ok last night and ended up staying home today. Today was my son's 15th birthday. I slept in and then took my son for a bagel for breakfast and to get his license. He was so excited and couldn't stand the wait. He thought he wanted to drive home until he realized there was a lot of traffic. I drove home and let him drive up the street to Wal-Mart. He wanted to drive to his school so we drove a few miles up the road. Had his first person honk the horn at him - even though he didn't do anything wrong. The other person was just in too big a hurry. He was very nervous driving and worried when other cars were around. He did very well. We got home and I took a nap. Too much activity for me. We went to dinner at Bonefish for his birthday and a few friends joined us. It was a pretty good day. I'm not feeling great but feeling ok. I got to talk to the surgeon today and I meet with her next Tues. I will find out then when surgery will be and what to anticipate. Thanks to my sister-in-law for the surprise gift card today to help us celebrate my happy dance and Nick's birthday. And a happy 50th birthday to my Utah sister-in-law, who shares the same birthday as my son. Love you guys.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
What a day. It started out like yesterday - a good day. By 11:00 I had to go home. I was not feeling very good. My stomach was queasy and I was tired. I came home and slept most of the afternoon. I couldn't figure out what to eat that would set well. It has been an uncomfortable afternoon. I'm still not feeling great but a little better. And then the news of Farrah Faucet and Michael Jackson passing away today. How sad. It is also a celebration of my mom's birthday today - she would have been 76. I really miss her. Looking forward to celebrating my son's 15th birthday tomorrow - hoping I feel better and can enjoy his special day. Special thanks to the people at my brother's work who brought us dinner tonight.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
I had a great day. A better second day than I have had before. Feeling good. Nick went driving again today and we cooked on the grill. Watched tv and played outside. Still waiting to hear from the surgeon and the schedule for my MRI. I am a little tired but think I am doing pretty good. I am glad to have this round done with and now I can focus on the next step. I am hoping that tomorrow will be as good as today. Counting down to Friday (and my son's birthday).
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
I'm doing the happy dance. YAY - I am done with my first round of treatment. My son was there and took all my bands off. Woo Hoo. I have an appointment next Wednesday to have my port tested - as it still does not draw blood. The MRI place will call me to set me up with an MRI next week and I am waiting on the surgeon to call me to set surgery. My doctor told me today I look great and I am doing well. I feel good - a little tired but doing very well. And this is supposed to be the worst of it. I should be able to start my next treatment 2-3 weeks after surgery and radiation about 5 weeks after surgery. I am hoping I will be done by mid October. Everyone has been very supportive and encouraging. I really appreciate all the love and good wishes. I could not do this alone and I have many family and friends to thanks for helping me thru this. Time for bed and hoping I can sleep at night.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Happy Monday. The start of a new week. Got to work early today and got a lot done. Trying to get everything caught up before I have to be out for surgery. It was a very hot day and I had my fan on at work all day. Got home and only played outside for about 10 minutes. Had a nice dinner (pork chops and rice) compliments from Jennifer at work. Thank you. Was kind of tired. My son kept begging me to take him driving and I was just too tired tonight. I almost fell asleep on the couch at 8:00. Then I had to shave his head. We tried that last night and it started to hurt so he made me stop. Funny thing was he had some bald spots and some patchy spots. So we had to clean it up tonight. Now it really hurts, but it is smooth and even. And he gets his license picture taken on Friday. Gotta love those pictures. We are now watching a movie that I will probably only see another 15 minutes of before heading off to bed. Last treatment tomorrow for awhile (5 weeks or so). Yay. No more bands - until the next round. Hope everyone enjoyed their Monday.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
What a great Sunday. Happy Father's Day to my brothers and friends who are dads. I got to sleep in, chilled out and watched movies with my son. Helped him study for his driver's test. He took the sign test and road rules test on-line and past. Only missed 3 questions. OMG. His 15th birthday is Friday and we will go to DMV for him to get his learner's license. He has been practicing and doing very well. I am actually not nervous, although we are practicing in an empty parking lot. Once he is on the road, I may have a different attitude. I enjoyed just chilling today. Played with the dog, took a short nap and did some laundry. I've got one more day till my last treatment. I am so looking forward to it. Getting ready for bed to start my week. I am feeling very lucky and blessed to have a great son who is loving, caring and compasionate.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Had a great day. Slept in - had some cereal and watched tv. Had to take my son to the bank then we went to the mall and walked around. I had said I was going to do something inside as it is too hot outside. Let him drive for 1/2 hour, stopped at the grocery store and my son decided he was making dinner. He pretty much took over and didn't let me do much. He is definately taking charge and really helping out. And without me having to ask. It is a pleasant change. We watched a movie then he finished his substance abuse and alcohol driving test on-line. He only missed one question out of 40. Tomorrow we will work on the driving exam. It is very late and time for bed but another day I get to sleep in.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Yay - Friday. Good day at work. Worked all day on that special project I had to do. Almost done. My son went to a scout camp tonight for a special campfire - should be home shortly. It was nice coming home to quiet and doing my own things. Resting on the couch, eating nothing special for dinner and watching whatever I want. I am kind of tired and not sure when he'll be home so I may have to stay up awhile. But I get to sleep in. Nothing planned this weekend but clean. Oh yeah - gotta work on Nick's driving test. Signing out - till tomorrow. Have a great weekend.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
The weekend is almost here. Easy morning at work until I found out I have a big project to work on. Might take me all weekend. At least I know I have something to keep me busy for a few days. Not like I really need more to keep me busy. I love my job - really I do. Honest. Met with the radiation doc today. Nice guy, funny. Kept things very light - straight shooter but with humor - not too direct about things. I will be doing radiation with my next round of chemo but will probably start about 4 weeks after i start the chemo. I have to wait 4-6 wks after surgery so around mid August. By the sound of things, I am in for a few hard weeks ahead. I am not really looking forward to the next few stages but I've gotta do what needs to be done. Right now I am just waiting to hear when I can schedule the MRI and then surgery. It's getting late and I need some sleep. And to all a good night.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
What a great Wed. I was able to get some sleep last night and felt great all day. Had a Boston Market dinner, compliments of Jennifer from work. Played frisbee and ball again today. It was really hot. Got my son started on the first driver test on-line. Then played more frisbee and ball. The dog has been passed out since 8:30. I think we wore her out tonight. Watched So You Think You Can Dance. Oh, forgot to mention yesterday that my friend Rebecca and her son, Kevin, delivered me some banana bread and peanut butter cookies. Yum. Thanks. Tomorrow I have an appointment with the Radiology Oncologist. I guess I will find out what his plan is and what he wants me to do. A good evening comes to an end - gotta get a good night sleep.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
A good day for a Tuesday. Got some work done, went to lunch for one of the girls that is leaving, came home and my son had done the dishes and he cooked dinner. What a great kid I have. I played ball with the dog and frisbee with my son (at the same time). We went over some of the driving rules and my son had read some of his summer reading book to earn drive time and after dinner we went driving. I am now ready for bed. Looking forward to the middle of the week tomorrow.
Monday, June 15, 2009
So-so day. Went to bed early last night but still couldn't sleep good. Was tired this morning so ended up going into work late. Had a decent day at work. Had a great dinner, compliments of Cathi at work. Went to look at a house. Pretty nice. I'm ready for bed - been tired. I'll be glad when this is over - maybe I can go back to sleeping comfortable and all night. I meet with the radiologist on Thursday to see what the opinion is for radiation treatment. I should hear from the surgeon tomorrow to get an idea on when surgery will be. Moving right along.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
It was a nice relaxing Sunday. I had a hard time going to sleep last night but slept in this morning. Nick and I ran errands then he tried driving again. Took a nap and just hung out watching tv. I was kind of tired today - more than usual and as of now I am ready for bed. I just hate to go to bed too early in case I wake up too early and can't go back to sleep. Maybe 30 more minutes. I am looking forward to a good week at work. Hope everyone enjoyed their weekend.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
It was a great day. Slept in, well woke up a few times but finally got out of bed around 10:30. It was a nice change. Went to a movie with my son - saw UP. It was good. I was actually ready for a nap but didn't take one. Then I took him to an empty parking lot to let him try to drive. First time behind the wheel of a car aside from just backing out of the drive way. Good thing I don't have any hair or I may have pulled it out or it might have turned a few lighter shades of gray. He was nervous - I wasn't believe it or not. He did well. Took him a little bit to get used to the gas and brake. He went around in circles and tried to park a few times and after about 30 minutes we stopped. I am ready for bed - need a good night sleep. It's been a good day.
Friday, June 12, 2009
TGIF. It was a much better day. I still got a little tired but it was not as bad as the previous 2 days. Looking forward to a relaxing weekend - maybe a movie, spending time with my son and maybe even cleaning the house. I have to get it in some kind of order in preparation for surgery (and potential visitors). I am glad I get to sleep in tomorrow and have no specific plans.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Today was another yesterday. I was able to get some sleep last night but still didn't feel well and started to get tired about 1:00. I didn't think I would make it to 5. I could have really put my head on my desk and taken a nap by 2. Somehow I managed to get thru the day and left work at 5. My son was going to a friend's house so I didn't have to worry about him for the evening. I took a short nap, than ate dinner, compliments of Darlene from work. Work has been very generous and supportive. I am very thankful and blessed to have such wonderful people to share my day with. It's time for bed and I'm hoping to get a good night sleep and have a better day tomorrow.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
What a day. It started out great like any other day. By lunch time I was feeling ok but not great. I got a sandwich for lunch and after that things started to go down hill. I didn't feel so good and started getting pretty tired. I tried to see if I could make it thru the day and by 3:00 I was done. I had to go home and lay down. I took a 2 hour nap and felt a little better. Got up and had something to eat (spaghetti, complements of Jared from the office). Still didn't feel really great. Had to go to Lowe's to get the part for the toilet because Wal-Mart did not have what I really needed. I was able to get what I needed to fix it. Hung out on the couch and watched So You Think You Can Dance. Started to go to bed and realized I hadn't written in my blog so here I am. Signing off now so I can get some sleep and start a fresh day tomorrow. Thanks for the continued prayers and support.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Ok, so it's later than usual. Been a crazy day and busy night. I went to be early - got tired around 8:30, went to bed at 9:30. Woke up around 4:30 and couldn't go back to sleep. Work was good and I felt ok today. Came home picked up my son, went to my brother's and trusted my sister-in-law to give me my shot. (gotta take a shot day after treatment). She did a pretty good job. Took my son to a meeting, back to my brother's to go to Sonny's with them. Got home and my son and had to run to Walgreens and Wal-mart. Had to get a part to fix my toilet and wouldn't you know, the part I got didn't work right so I have to pick up another one tomorrow. Good thing we have 2 toilets. So - now it is late, I feel good but ready to go to sleep. Hopefully I can sleep thru the night. Tomorrow is hump day and one day closer to the weekend.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Yay - Number 3 is done. My son went with me and moved my band. Met with the doctor and she said I was doing great. She is going to get me set up with the radiologist and told me to call the surgeon next week to get that scheduled. Also, as long as I am healing well after surgery I can probably start my next chemo in about 3 weeks after surgery vs. 6 weeks and I can do the radiation at the same time so that cuts off 6 weeks at the end. That will make for great end of year holidays. If I can get thru the next 2 days I'll be on the upswing again. Thanks to my brother and sister-in-law for dinner tonight. I'm feeling like I can really get thru this and put it all behind me very soon.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
What a great day spent with my son. Slept in, went to a movie (a really bad movie), walked the mall, had lunch, stopped by my friend's house for a visit, then home. A nice weekend day. Back to the workweek tomorrow and my 3rd treatment. My son plans to go with me. I have noticed that it is getting very hot outside. I think I would rather it still be winter. And of course with the heat, come bugs and mosquitos. I guess there are some positive things about not having hair.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
It started out as a good day - until my Seminoles lost in the last inning today and blew their chances for Omaha. It was quite disappointing. I guess there's always next year. The rest of the day picked up and Nick and I watched movies. Then we decided to shave our heads again. I was getting razor stubble and his was not quite short enough. I actually trusted him to shave my head and he did a great job. We both are now soft and smooth. It feels pretty good I might just leave it like this for awhile. Two days left till my next treatment. I'll be glad to get #3 out of the way. I'll be in the home stretch.
Friday, June 5, 2009
TGIF. The weekend is here. Work has been great this week as I have gotten a lot done. I've got 2 days to enjoy before treatment #3. What will we do for fun? My Noles lost their game tonight so they have to win tomorrow to stay in it. It's been fun wearing different head wraps. I've been getting quite the reaction at work - all good, of course. Looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
A lovely, rainy Thursday. Again, not much to report - but had a good day. Got a lot done at work, kept my boss busy. Had a great dinner made by Brandi (and Ella). Played with the dog and watched tv. Tried to take a few pictures of me and my son. Looking forward to tomorrow - it's Friday. That means the weekend is right behind.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Happy hump day. Had a great lunch with friends today catching up on what's been happening with each other. Not much to report today, it was a day like yesterday. My son is adjusting to his new hair style. He had his uncle meet us at dinner to show it off. Haven't been too tired this week so I've not been taking naps and I've been able to sleep at night. Only two days left in the work week. Looking forward to the weekend and cheering on the Noles to a win in the Super Regionals.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
What a great day. Had a good day at work. Saw a friend and her baby and a bunch of us went to lunch. Got a lot accomplished. My son decided in the last day or two that he wanted to shave his head so he could support me and look like me. So today I called to make him an appointment and set it for next Tuesday. When I got home and told him when it was I told him he could wait or I could do it for him. As I sat on the back porch with the dog he come out with the hair clippers and asked me to go ahead and shave it. So, I cut it as much as I could then got the razor and shaving cream and finished the rest. He could not believe that I would actually shave it for him. He was quite excited. Then he realized he had a scout meeting to get to and decided he needed to find a way to cover it up. However, at the end of his meeting he showed off his shiny bald head. He also had to call his 2 uncles to let them know. I have such a great kid. He didn't want me to have to show off my shiny baldness alone. I am very blessed.
Monday, June 1, 2009
It was a productive Monday. Got quite a bit done at work. I didn't even need a nap when I got home, although I will be going to bed earlier than usual. Had a great chicken and rice dinner that Carol from work made us. And green bean casserole. Thanks Carol. Didn't do much else but hang out with Nick and the animals. More to do tomorrow.
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